keskiviikko 21. lokakuuta 2009

6-vuotiaan suusta

Höm. Öljypastellien kans pitää vissiin harjotella vielä.

tiistai 20. lokakuuta 2009

Rakkaita ja randomeita

Random sketches of loved ones and random acquaintances.

Well, actually they turned out to be mostly loved ones. =)

perjantai 16. lokakuuta 2009

tiistai 13. lokakuuta 2009

tiistai 6. lokakuuta 2009

Silmät auki

Cirque du soleil

A Sunday with no plans at all.
-Cirque du Soleil today! For half price! We can't miss this! Come with me!
-Dammit. I'm in.

Leaving in a hurry. We'll have to get the tickets when we get there.
-You know what? We could ask if they needed help. We might get in for free by working for them.
-Yeah that'd be awesome!

-So we were wondering whether we could pay our tickets by working.
-Mmm... I'm not sure we need any helpers anymore.

-...but that idea of yours is so nice that I'll give you the tickets anyway. I'll give you a call if we need some extra hands after the show.
-If not, then enjoy the show and be happy!
-Thank you so much!

Yo yo yo this can't be happening!!!

Do I need to say this? I loved it. And in the end they didn't even need us after the show. A complete success. Thanks a million Joonas!

perjantai 2. lokakuuta 2009